
Blogging Bunny-style

Am I really surprised?

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Not really, no.

I don’t think my body’s taking to the new medicine that well. My feet are feeling number than they were before I started. Certainly not better, anyway. I hardly slept at all last night. My hip was aching, my legs and feet were numb and creeping me out, and worst of all, I kept twitching as I was on the verge of sleep. That’s the only way I can think to describe it. Sort of like an involuntary jerk, but not the sort you get when you start awake just as you’re dropping off. This kept happening after I woke up. Almost like when you’re shivering uncontrollably, but I was getting really hot. It’s the most horrible feeling. I’ve had this symptom before, and I hate it! The last time I had it was months ago. Like, January.

It never happens during the day, only at night to freak me out a bit.

Now I have to wonder if it’s related at all to the homeopathic drops, or is it just a coincidence? I want to give the meds at least a week’s trial to give it a chance before I completely diss it.

Knew I should have gone with the Tarentula! :-p

Written by Maggie

October 25, 2007 at 10:48 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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  1. RLS? Restless Leg Syndrome?


    October 25, 2007 at 8:01 pm

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