
Blogging Bunny-style

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The term started for mothers and miracles today, and I drove Vivi and I there myself, which is a big deal.

Michael took my mom’s colt, which is currently living in our garage, to work so that Viv and I could use our car, which has the baby seat it.

So I got up at eight, pulled the car out of the carport, got myself and Vivi’s stuff ready and then woke her at about twenty to nine. Quick nappy change and bottle, and we were ready to roll.

Vivi enjoyed the class immensely. Probably the most she has enjoyed one to date. Especially the sensory play. She got a bowl of flour first. Had such a good time feeling it with her hands and flinging it gamely all over me. Same with rice, and then some beans and lastly some wood shavings. Great fun. Luckily I was wearing jeans πŸ˜‰
We danced and made music and everyone sang to her for her birthday, while she wore her birthday crown.
And then she got a finger biscuit at the end, as always. The difference is, now that she has top teeth, she was able to take nice bites out of it. Was fun to watch.

I was able to cope alright with the outing, although I am feeling tired now (physically). The driving was fine though, which was what I was a bit stressed about.

All is all, very successful.

Oh and Vivi interacted very nicely with a little boy, who is two months younger than she is. She’s much more gentle now and I don’t have to worry about her scratching his face, or pulling his hair. And she crawled onto this little boy’s mommy’s lap, too. You could say she is right at home at this little group.

Speaking of gentleness, she’s a lot more gentle with our dogs, too. I never leave her unsupervised with them, but it’s gotten to the stage where she will stroke them gently,instead of trying to pull their hair. That said, I am very mindful that they are animals and that she is a one-year-old child. Supervision! My point is just that she is learning to be caring, which is the big goal:-)

Oh, and she does love the dogs. Among her first five words have been “Teddy” and “Bear” πŸ™‚ She is so delighted if they come into our bedroom. It’s like, “Yay, partytime!” and if they leave the room again, she waves and says, “Bye”.

So anyway, we got home from M&M and I made us some Maltabella pap, which she ate with gusto. I always know when she’s done, because she’ll attempt to fling the proffered spoonful all over herself and immediate surroundings. The sooner she learns to say, “no, thanks” the better! πŸ˜‰

Then it was almost time for daddy to come home, so we went to the sitting room to play. She had a session on her Ybike, which she riding quite well already. I was hovering over, lest she fall, and I got to thinking maybe I should give her a little more freedom considering that she is keeping her balance so well. The thought had barely crossed my mind, when she slid off her bike, right onto the tiled floor. She fell over and bumped her head, fortunately not hard. The bum took most of the brunt. She had a little cry, but not too bad. Didn’t stop me from feeling like a total sh$t, though. Did answer my question. No ybiking without mommy helicoptering over her!

I’d like to type more, but my right hand is now kaput. I’m having to backspace half of what I’m typing 😦 My poor hand. It’s considerably recovered, but far from right.

Plus, only an hour of naptime left. I’d like to read a bit.

Written by Maggie

July 23, 2015 at 3:43 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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